
*in bold are group members


  1. preprint. Freas CA, Narendra A, Murray T, Cheng K. Moonlight polarisation patterns guides nocturnal bull ants home. biorxiv


  1. Aibekova L, Keller R, Katzke J, Allman DM, Garcia FH, Labonte D, Narendra A, Economo EP. 2023. Parallel and divergent morphological adaptations underlying the evolution of jumping in ants. Integrative Organismal Biology 5: obad026 [pdf]
  2. Robledo-Ospina LE, Morehouse N, Escobar-Sarria F, Tapia-McClung H, Narendra A & Rao D. 2023. Visual antipredator effects of web flexing in an orb web spider. The Science of Nature 110, 23. [link]
  3. Ogawa Y*, Lochlan J*, Ryan LA, Robson SKA, Hart NS and Narendra A. 2023. The properties of the compound eye of the Weaver ant, Oecophylla smaragdina. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 209pages 489–498 (*joint first-authors). [link]
  4. Gibb H, Bishop TR, Leahy L, Parr CL, Lessard J-P, Sanders NJ, Shik JZ, Ibarra-Isassi J, Narendra A, Dunn RR and Wright IJ. 2023. Ecological strategies of (pl)ants: toward a world-wide worker economic spectrum for ants. Functional Ecology 37: 13-25 [link]


  1. Rao D, Long SM, Tapia-McClung H, Salgado-Espinosa K, Narendra A, Aguilar-Argüello S, Robledo-Ospin L, Rodriguez-Morales D and Jakob EM. 2022. Visual signals in the wing display of a tephritid fly deter jumping spider attacks. Journal of Experimental Biology 225: jeb244223.
  2. Aceves-Aparicio A, Narendra A, McLean DJ Lowe EC, Christian M, Wolff JO, Schneider JM, Herberstein ME. 2022. Fast acrobatic manoeuvres enable arboreal spiders to hunt dangerous prey. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences 119: e2205942119. See Video 1; Video 2.
  3. Ogawa Y, Narendra A and Hemmi JM. 2022. Nocturnal Myrmecia ants have faster temporal resolution at low light levels but lower adaptability compared to diurnal relatives. iScience 25: 104134 [pdf]
  4. Herberstein ME, McLean DJ, Lowe E, Wolff JO, Khan Md K, Smith K, Allen AP, Bulbert M, Buzatto BA, Eldridge MDB, Falster D, Winzer LF, Griffith SC, Madin JS, Narendra A, Westoby M, Whiting MJ, Wright IJ & Carthey AJR. 2022. AnimalTraits – a curated animal trait database for body mass, metabolic rate and brain size. Scientific Data 9: 265. [pdf] [github]
  5. Pisokas I, Rössler W, Webb B, Zeil J & Narendra A. 2022. Anaesthesia disrupts distance, but not direction, of path integration memory. Current Biology 32: 445-452. [in Conversation]


  1. Penmetcha B, Ogawa Y, Ryan LA, Nart HS & Narendra A. 2021. Ocellar spatial vision in Myrmecia ants. Journal of Experimental Biology 224: jeb242948
  2. Als V, Narendra A, Arthofer W, Krap P, Steiner FM and Schlick-Steiner BC. 2021. Colony structure, population structure, and sharing of foraging trees in the ant Myrmecia nigriceps (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Insectes Sociaux 68: 327-335.
  3. Rosales R, Tapia-McClung H, Narendra A and Rao D. 2021. Many paths, one destination: mapping the movements of a kleptoparasitic spider on the host’s web. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 207: 293-301. 
  4. Narendra A. 2021. Orientation by Central Place Foragers. In Encyclopedia of Social Insects [ed: CK Starr]. Springer.


  1. Kósci Z, Murray T, Dahmen H, Narendra A and Zeil J. 2020. The Antarium: a reconstructed visual reality device for ant navigation research. Frontiers in Behavioural Neuroscience 14: 599374 [pdf]
  2. Kamhi JF, Barron AB and Narendra A. 2020. Vertical lobes of the mushroom bodies are essential for view-based navigation in Australian Myrmecia ants. Current Biology 30: 3432-3437. link
  3. León MAC, Hernandez-Nunez L, Narendra A, Barron AB, Milford MJ. 2020. A hybrid compact neural architecture for visual place recognition. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5:993-1000. pdf
  4. Murray T, Kócsi Z, Dahmen H, Narendra A, Le Moeel F, Wystrach A and Zeil J. 2020. The role of attractive and repellent scene memories in ant homing (Myrmecia croslandi). Journal of Experimental Biology
  5. Narendra A. 2020. Book Review: Army Ants: Nature’s Ultimate Social Hunters. Myrmecological News. [Link]


  1. Rao D, Tapia-McClung H & Narendra A. 2019. Reeling in the prey: Fishing behaviour in an orb-web spider. Journal of Experimental Biology 222: jeb213751. pdf [Featured in INSIDE JEB]
  2. Penmetcha B, Ogawa Y, Ribi WA & Narendra A. 2019. Ocellar structure in African and Australian desert ants. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 205: 699-706. pdf
  3. Palavalli-Nettimi R, Ogawa Y, Ryan LA, Hart NS and Narendra A. 2019. Miniaturisation reduces contrast sensitivity and spatial resolving power in ants. Journal of Experimental Biology 222: jeb203018. pdf [Featured on Cover and in INSIDE JEB]
  4. Sheehan ZBV, Kamhi JF, Seid MA, Narendra A. 2019. Differential investment in brain regions for a diurnal and nocturnal lifestyle in Australian Myrmecia ants. Journal of Comparative Neurology 527:12611277. pdf
  5. Ogawa Y, Ryan LA, Palavalli-Nettimi R, Seeger O, Hart NS and Narendra A. 2019. Spatial resolving power and contrast sensitivity are adapted for ambient light conditions in Australian Myrmecia ants. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 18. pdf


  1. Heinze S, Narendra A and Cheung A. 2018. Principles of insect path integration. Current Biology 28: 1043-1058. pdf
  2. Palavalli-Nettimi R and Narendra A. 2018. Does size affect orientation usage celestial cues? Insects Sociaux 65: 657–662. pdf
  3. Jayatilaka P, Murray T, Narendra A and Zeil J. 2018. The choreography of learning walks in the Australian jack jumper ant Myrmecia croslandi. Journal of Experimental Biology 221, jeb185306pdf
  4. Palavalli-Nettimi R and Narendra A. 2018. Miniaturisation decreases visual navigational competence in ants. Journal of Experimental Biology 221: jeb177238. pdf
  5. Freas CA, Wystrach A, Narendra A & Cheng K. 2018. The view from the trees: nocturnal bull ants, Myrmecia midas, use the surrounding panorama while descending from trees. Frontiers in Psychology 9:16. pdf


  1. Narendra A & Ribi WA. 2017. Ocellar structure is driven by the mode of locomotion and activity time in Myrmecia ants. Journal of Experimental Biology 220: 4383-4390. [pdf]
  2. Ramirez-Esquivel F, Ribi WA and Narendra A. 2017. Techniques to investigate the anatomy of the ant visual system. Journal of Visualized Experiments (129), e56339, doi:10.3791/56339.
  3. Freas CA, Narendra A, Lemesle C & Cheng K. 2017 Polarised light use in the nocturnal bull ant Myrmecia midas. Royal Society Open Science 4: 170598. [pdf]
  4. Narendra A, Kamhi JF & Ogawa Y. 2017. Moving in dim light: behavioural and visual adaptations in nocturnal ants. Integrative and Comparative Biology 57: 1104-1116. [pdf]
  5. Ramirez-Esquivel F, Leitner NE, Zeil J & Narendra A. 2017. The sensory arrays of the ant, Temnothorax rugatulus. Arthropod Structure and Development 46: 552-563. pdf
  6. Ogawa Y, Ribi WA, Zeil J & Hemmi JM. 2017. Regional differences in the preferred e-vector orientation of honeybee ocellar photoreceptors. Journal of Experimental Biology 220: 1701-1708 [pdf]
  7. Narendra A & Ramirez-Esquivel F. 2017. Subtle changes in the landmark panorama disrupts visual navigation in a nocturnal bull ant. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 372: 20160068. pdf
  8. Freas CA, Narendra A & Cheng K. 2017. Compass cues used by a nocturnal bull ant, Myrmecia midas. Journal of Experimental Biology DOI: 10.1242/jeb.152967. pdf


  1. Card A, McDermott C & Narendra A. 2016. Multiple orientation cues in the trunk trail forming ant, Iridomyrmex purpureusAustralian Journal of Zoology 64: 227-232.
  2. Narendra A, Greiner B, Ribi WA & Zeil J. 2016. Light and dark adaptation mechanisms in the compound eyes of Myrmecia ants that occupy discrete temporal niches. Journal of Experimental Biology 219, 2435-2442. [pdf]
  3. Raderschall CA, Narendra A & Zeil J. 2016. Head roll stabilisation in the nocturnal bull ant Myrmecia pyriformis: implications for visual navigation. Journal of Experimental Biology 219: 1449-1457. [pdf]
  4. Narendra A, Ramirez-Esquivel F & Ribi WA. 2016. Compound eye and ocellar structure for walking and flying modes of locomotion in the Australian ant, Camponotus consobrinus. Scientific Reports 6: 22331. [pdf]


  1. Ogawa Y, Falkowski M, Narendra A, Zeil J, Hemmi JM. 2015. Three spectrally distinct photoreceptors in diurnal and nocturnal Australian ants. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282: 20150673. [pdf]
  2. Stürzl W, Grixa I, Mair E, Narendra A & Zeil J. 2015. Three-dimensional models of natural environments and the mapping of navigational information. Journal of Comparative Physiology A DOI: 10.1007/s00359-015-1002-y. [pdf]
  3. Schultheiss P, Raderschall CA, Narendra A. 2015 Follower ants in a tandem pair are not always naïve. Scientific Reports 5: 10747. [pdf]


  1. Zeil J, Ribi WA & Narendra A. 2014. Polarization vision in ants, bees and wasps. In Polarized Light and Polarization Vision in Animal Sciences (ed. Horváth G). Springer Series in Vision Research (eds. Collin S & Marshall J). 2nd ed: 41-60.
  2. Cheung A, Collett M, Collett TS, Dewar A, Dyer F, Graham P, Mangan M, Narendra A, Philippides A, Stürzl W, Webb B, Wystrach A & Zeil J. 2014. Still no convincing evidence for cognitive map use by honeybees. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 111: 4396–4397. [pdf]
  3. Ramirez-Esquivel F, Zeil J & Narendra A. 2014. The antennal sensory array of the nocturnal bull ant, Myrmecia pyriformis. Arthropod Structure and Development 43: 543-558. [pdf]
  4. Zeil J, Narendra A & Stürzl W. 2014. Looking and homing: how displaced ants decide where to go. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 369: 20130034. [pdf]
  5. Jayatilaka P, Raderschall CA, Narendra A & Zeil J. 2014. Individual foraging patterns of the jack jumper ant, Myrmecia croslandi. Myrmecological News 19: 75-83. [pdf]


  1. Narendra A, Alkaladi A, Raderschall CA, Robson SKA & Ribi WA. 2013. Compound eye adaptations for diurnal and nocturnal lifestyle in the intertidal ant, Polyrhachis sokolova. PLoS ONE 8: e76015. [pdf]
  2. Narendra A, Raderschall CA & Robson SKA. 2013. Homing abilities of the Australian intertidal ant, Polyrhachis sokolova. Journal of Experimental Biology 216: 3674-3681. [pdf]
  3. Narendra A, Gourmaud S & Zeil J. 2013. Mapping the navigational knowledge of individually foraging ants, Myrmecia croslandi. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 208: 20130683. [pdf]
  4. Reid SF, Narendra A, Taylor RW & Zeil J. 2013. Foraging ecology of the night-active bull ant, Myrmecia pyriformis. Australian Journal of Zoology 61: 170-177. [pdf]
  5. Narendra A, Reid SF & Raderschall CA. 2013. Navigational efficiency of nocturnal Myrmecia ants suffers at low light levels. PLoS ONE 8: e58801. [pdf]


  1. Cheung A, Hiby L & Narendra A. 2012. Ant navigation: fractional use of the home vector. PLoS ONE 7: e50451. [pdf]


  1. Narendra A, Reid SF, Greiner B, Peters RA, Hemmi JM, Ribi WA & Zeil J. 2011. Caste-specific visual adaptations to distinct daily activity schedules in Australian Myrmecia ants. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278: 1141-1149. [pdf]
  2. Narendra A, Gibb H & Ali TMM. 2011. Structure of ant assemblages in Western Ghats, India: role of habitat, disturbance and introduced species. Insect Conservation and Diversity 4: 132-141. [pdf]
  3. Jayatilaka P, Narendra A, Reid SF, Cooper P & Zeil J. 2011. Different effects of temperature on the foraging activity schedule in sympatric Myrmecia ants. Journal of Experimental Biology 214: 2730-2738. [pdf] Featured: Cover; Inside JEB
  4. Schwarz S, Narendra A & Zeil J. 2011. The properties of the visual system in the Australian desert ant, Melophorus bagoti. Arthropod Structure and Development 40: 128-134. [pdf]
  5. Reid SF, Narendra A, Hemmi JM & Zeil J. 2011. Polarised skylight and the landmark panorama provide night-active bull ants with compass information during route following. Journal of Experimental Biology 214: 363-370. [pdf]


  1. Narendra A, Reid SF & Hemmi JM. 2010. The twilight zone: ambient light levels trigger activity in primitive ants. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 277: 1531-1538. [pdf]


  1. Cheng K, Narendra A, Sommer S & Wehner R. 2009. Traveling in clutter: navigation in the Central Australian desert ant, Melophorus bagotiBehavioral Processes 80: 261-268. [pdf]
  2. Narendra A & Ramachandra TV. 2008. Remote detection and distinction of ants using nest-site specific LISS-derived Normalised Difference Vegetation Index. Asian Myrmecology 2: 51-62. [pdf]


  1. Narendra A, Cheng K, Sulikowski D & Wehner R. 2008. Search strategies of ants in landmark-rich habitats. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 194: 929-938. [pdf]


  1. Greiner B, Narendra A, Reid SF, Dacke M, Ribi WA & Zeil J. 2007. Eye structure correlates with distinct foraging bout timing in primitive ants. Current Biology 17: R879-R880. [pdf] Highlighted in F1000.
  2. Narendra A. 2007. Homing strategies of the Australian desert ant Melophorus bagoti I. Proportional path-integration takes the ant half-way home. Journal of Experimental Biology 210: 1798-1803. [pdf]
  3. Narendra A. 2007. Homing strategies of the Australian desert ant Melophorus bagoti II. Interaction of the path integrator with visual cue information. Journal of Experimental Biology 210: 1804-1812. [pdf]
  4. Narendra A, Cheng K & Wehner R. 2007. Acquiring, retaining and integrating memories of the outbound distance in the Australian desert ant Melophorus bagoti. Journal of Experimental Biology 210: 570-577. [pdf]
  5. Narendra A, Si A, Sulikowski D & Cheng K. 2007. Learning, retention and coding of nest-associated visual cues by the Australian desert ant Melophorus bagotiBehavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61: 1543-1553. [pdf]

< 2006

  1. Cheng K, Narendra A & Wehner R. 2006. Behavioral ecology of odometric memories in desert ants: acquisition, retention and integration. Behavioral Ecology 17: 227-235. [pdf]
  2. Narendra A. 2003. Responses of the Asian Weaver Ant, Oecophylla smaragdina towards high quality and quantity food substances. Insect Environment 9: 89-90.
  3. Viswanathan G & Narendra A. 2000. Impact of urbanization on the diversity of ants in Bangalore. Journal of Ecobiology 12: 115-122.
  4. Viswanathan G & Narendra A. 2000. Food preference in different species of ants. Insect Environment 6: 34-35.
  5. Viswanathan G & Narendra A. 1999. A study of the behaviour of the ant Myrmicaria brunnea Saunders towards pheromones. Insect Environment 5: 23-25.

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